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Get Involved

If you are passionate about elections or voting you may want to consider doing at least of the following things in order to take a more proactive role during election season.

Host Your Own Voter Events

You can host your own voter registration drives and voter education outreach events to help your peers get registered to vote and ready for election day.

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There are so many organizations out there that are dedicated to helping people vote and making the process easer. You can help others get ready to vote by volunteering with one of these organizations.

Click here to see a list of organizations that are all about voting.

Celebrate Civic and

Voting Holidays

Celebrate civic and voting themed holidays to spread awareness about voting, encourage others to vote, and to help them prepare to do so.

Click here to see a list of civic and voting themed holidays.

Become an Election Worker

Every election needs people to staff it by working at polling sites. Election workers are paid and trained so they are prepared to work on Election Day, and or during the Early Voting period. Election workers are in short supply and are needed for every election.

Click here to sign up to become an election worker with our partner Power the Polls!

Attend Voting Events

You can attend voting related events and workshops to learn more about voting. There are trainings, events, conferences, workshops and other types of events you can go to.

Research and Learn More

Election season is perfect to take some time to research a variety of things, including who you current representatives are, and what they've done. Take some time to learn about what's happening in your community, state and in the country. If you're feeling ambitious you can also learn about civics, government, elections and voting.

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